
Erlend D. Børve

I am a mathematician, specialising in representation theory of algebras, tilting theory and generalisations, and related areas.

From June 2019 to June 2023, I was a PhD candidate at NTNU's Department of Mathematical Sciences, supervised by Aslak Buan. My PhD thesis is entitled Homotopical and geometric tools in representation theory. I then spent a year as a postdoctoral researcher at Institut Fourier in Grenoble, France. My position was funded by CHARMS.

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Publications and preprints

  1. (with J. F. Grevstad and E. S. Rundsveen) τ-tilting finiteness and g-tameness: Incidence algebras of posets and concealed algebras, arXiv.
  2. Silting reduction and picture categories of 0-Auslander extriangulated categories, arXiv.
  3. (with P. Trygsland) A theorem of Retakh for exact ∞-categories and higher extension functors, arXiv.
  4. Two-term silting and τ-cluster morphism categories, arXiv.